AVC Group is proud to accept the nomination for Cinionic's Best Partner

New Barco headquarters by Jaspers Eyers Architects 00

Kortrijk, Belgium, September 2023

At AVC Group, we are proud to accept the nomination for Cinionic Partner Awards EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa region) by Barco.

The nomination for the best partner is a recognition for the AVC Group and confirms that, with professionalism and responsibility, we rank among the most prominent representatives in the entire region. Criteria for evaluating partners included reliability, willingness to cooperate, professionalism, knowledge of Barco and Cinionic products, and communicativeness.

The recognition represented by the nomination to the company of the best is another confirmation of the commitment to excellence and high standards.

The awards ceremony took place in September 2023 at the prestigious Barco One Campus Cinionic (on the photo) in Kortrijk, Belgium. The event was attended by more than 50 cinema integration partners from around the world.

Barco, a global technology company specializing in visualization solutions, designs and develops innovative products for a variety of professional markets, including the digital cinema, healthcare, defense and aerospace, and entertainment industries. Cinionic, as part of the Barco group, is one of the leading companies in the world market of laser cinematography.

At AVC Group, we thank you for your trust and are committed to continuing to meet high standards. We accept the nomination with a commitment to strive for even more successful cooperation.

More about Barco and Cinionic.